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Writer's pictureReji Mathew

Day 9 : Faith & Fact is compatible

Faith as we know is a strong belief in religion, based on spiritual view rather than proof. A person of faith generally has a strong belief in supernatural power/s and that they control human destiny.

Whereas, facts are things that are known or proved to be true.

By pure definition, both are not compatible, but the proof is in the pudding! Humanity has lived with in balance for years though a little skewed I admit. Most religions and their doctrines are 2000+ years old, whereas let us say the the doctor’s oath is a probably 1000+ years old. Did we then evolve from a faith-based society to a fact-based society, attempting balance while selectively aligning with faith & fact based on the need of the hour?

Both of them fundamentally promise to heal humans from pain & sickness.

I remember one of the first questions I asked as thinking human was back in school days. After learning of evolution in school, I went to Sunday school at church and asked, “If evolution is true as school teaches and so is creationism as you preach, what should I believe in?” That question lingered on for a few years before I read ‘A Brief History of Time’ by Stephen Hawking. He talks about determinism which many people resist as it infringes on God’s (how conditioned are we to use capital G) freedom to intervene with the world. Hawking calls his ideas as proposals and admits that it is far from being proven. He says that there is a possibility of an intervention by a creator in the beginning of the universe. Most people who align with Facts usually question the ‘What & How’ of universe, whereas Hawking leaves readers with a bigger Fact, ‘The Why’?

I could align with this ‘Why’ better than the totalitarian ‘Evolution & Creationism’ doctrines, as it goes far beyond physics into the realms of philosophy & theology. Here all coexist.

Though I have to admit that there are moments I find myself appreciating the way religion allows for building of a positive frame of mind or having a bucket of hope that never runs out. It lends us support that ‘we are in it together’ feel. Too much of logic at times leads to despair, and despair certainly is something we could keep at bay in times like these!

Many argue that people of pure science aren’t religious. According to National Centre of Biotechnology Information US, majority of physicians believe in God (65.2 %), 24.8 % spiritual, 12.4 % agnostic, and 11.6 % atheist. So almost 80% believe in the existence of a power beyond facts and science to solve problems while they take a solemn pledge to dedicate their life to the service of humanity and not play God. Their oath doesn’t permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, gender, politics, socioeconomic standing, to interfere with their duty or their patient.

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, we have read about news from across the world about religious institutions conducting congregations. It has led to multiplying of cases in turn jeopardising the efforts taken by healthcare professionals in controlling this virus. For a moment in time, let us keep religion out of this and think. The leaders of these congregations are humans too. These very religious leaders will visit a physician when they fall sick. It seems Facts (science) have Faith (in God) but Faith doesn’t need Facts!

When religion is asked to abide by a scientific way of solving a problem, Instead of supporting it, sometimes they even believe that the problem itself is Godsend. That approach hopefully will change after this is pandemic is over, when they see how selflessly the healthcare system toiled to save every life possible. So, till we figure out what exactly is running through God’s mind, let us put our faith in these Healthcare warriors who fights this like war heroes against an unknown enemy.

Let the Facts save us this time. Let us have Faith in them!

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